After posting that first picture I thought maybe I'd keep going with it, after all we may be tired of winter now, but in another 8 or 9 months we'll be thrilled to see that snow. Winter is beautiful, and now that we don't have to worry about blizzards so much, we can admit that winter has it's fun points as well...
...Anyway this is the original photo, taken after a gorgeous frost last year. It's cool on it's own, but I never can leave a photo alone...
....I didn't change much in this one, I mostly just wanted a little more contrast and color....
... I wanted to emphasize the contrast between the snow and the tree for this one. The frost really looks cool here too...
...For this one I used the brushstrokes affect on the one above. I like how the tree turned out...
...I used Coral Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 on all of these. I usually try several different looks on a photo, I thought it might be fun to post them all together instead of just picking one!