Friday, August 24, 2012

American is a not a Government

As an American I am appalled and saddened by the direction our country is moving, and indeed has been moving for a very long time. As a nation we are dependent on the governmint. The we should not be dependent on the government; the government is dependent on the us.

I believe in America, not as a government but, as an ideal. I believe in pioneers, in communities, in a in people who stand by each other. I believe in individual’s freedom, in so far as it is neither harmful to another nor detrimental to the continuation of the nation as a whole. I believe in a nation that Trusts in God. 

Americans build cities, companies, and families. We build with sweat, dreams, and faith. We don't need governmint to give us our dreams, we chaise them on our own. 

Americans stand strong...

       God Bless America

Friday, August 17, 2012

Teaching the Future

 How do you explain abortion to a child? How do you tell them that this common practice stops a beating heart? How can you say it is alright when just a few years ago they were just the same as the babies who are legally put to death every day? Murder should not be taught as an acceptable alliterative to becoming a parent.

Stop preaching about choices and look at what is going on around you. You could not choose your parents, nor your siblings, nor any other member of your family. What gives you the right to choose which children you will call yours...and which ones you can deny ever existed? You chose the father, now you need to face the future.  It is hard. It is scary. But you got through childhood once; parenthood  is your second chance. Our generation is defined by what we give the next; 

                                Give them life

[Image borrowed from and no copyright infringement intended. ]
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