Friday, July 20, 2012

Why are they Killing Babies?

My nine year old brother can’t understand why someone would kill babies. “Don't they remember that they were babies too?” he asked me. We think that children can’t understand the evil of our times, but the painful beauty of children is that they can see the wrong, without being burdened by the facts and reasoning shouted by either side. He doesn't know how an abortion is performed, but he knows that it means in the simplest terms; someone is killing babies. He doesn't know why people would do such a thing but he knows that, “when I’m president I’m going to make a law so that nobody can do that anymore.” He doesn't know the fancy words that they try and trick us with. He doesn't know the number of children lost to us. He doesn't know it all, but he knows what matters; people are killing babies and that’s wrong.

I told him that I hoped it wouldn't take until he was old enough to be president to stop abortion. I pray that someone will stop this now, because I don’t ever want to see another nine year old who knows what the evil of abortion is.

Lord, have mercy on our children that they may live to see the end of this horrible time in our history. Have mercy on us that we may see the same.  

PS. All quotes are paraphrased as I didn’t have pen and paper during our conversation. 
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