Tip tap. Tip click click. Clack tap tip tap. Tipcalckclicktaptaptipcicktip.
“You can’t post that!”
“Why ever not? It’s better than your suggestion anyway.”
“Why not! Because it’s complete nonsense that’s why not! And what is the matter with my idea?”
“Your idea is boring! Who wants to read about the most common causes of head-aches?”
“It’s useful and interesting! Lots of people get headaches; don’t you think they want to know why?”
“Only people like you would find
that interesting! If they want to know they can look it up on a medical or self-help site like,
sixwise, or
not on
my blog!”
“But what-“
“Well you still can’t post that.”
“Why the dickens not?”
“It has no point for one thing!”
“What do you mean it doesn’t have a point? It has a point, you’re just missing it!”
“If I’m missing it I seriously doubt anyone else is going to get it!”
“You’re just being obstinate! You won’t admit that my idea is better than yours.”
“I won’t admit it because it isn’t true! You can’t expect to post that and still have readers by this time tomorrow.”
“I won’t have readers if there is nothing to read! I have to post something today!”
“Oh come on! You can’t tell me that that’s the only thing you can come up with!”
“Well it is alright….I just can’t think of anything today.”
“Why can’t you just wait ‘till you come up with something better?”
“If I wait I’ll never post. You know what a procrastinator I am. Besides it’s not that bad… is it?”
“You know that dream you told me about, with the bear cubs and the peanut butter.”
“Yeah…what about it?”
“That made more sense.”
“You know maybe you could just add ‘you’re nuts’ to the options at the bottom of your posts. You might actually get some feedback that way.”
“Is it really that bad?”
“Yes. But post it anyway. I want to see how many people agree with me on the state of your mental health.”
“I’m kidding alright! Just post it and stop moping. You’re giving me a headache!”
“Really? Am I on that list of yours?”
Bang thonk bump. Thump thud clunk……